How to Take Your Dance Photos to the Next Level
As a dancer, photos are a great way to catch someone’s attention. Whether you just want to post a picture or show off your skills, it’s important to make sure your photos look good. Editing photos might seem really confusing and difficult, but there are several simple ways to make sure your photos are visually appealing. The first step starts before you even take a picture. If you’re the one behind the camera, it’s important to consider the background, lighting and composition of the photo. You should ask yourself if other people will think that the photo is interesting. You should also make sure that your subject is in focus and pay attention to small details like their hair or facial expression. Keep in mind the rule of thirds and how negative space is playing a part in your photo.
Once you have your photos, you can use the editing app you like the best. One good photo editing software that is fairly easy to use is Adobe Lightroom Classic. However, regardless of which app you use, the concept is pretty much the same. A good place to start is the brightness/exposure. Adjusting the brightness of a photo is pretty easy. It’s a good idea to play with the different levels of brightness to see how you want your picture to look. Often times, we don’t realize how dark our photos actually are until after we edit them. Just this step alone can make a big difference.
Another thing to pay attention to are shadows and highlights. If there are too many shadows or you picture is too dark, you may want to lift the shadows. The same goes for highlights. If you want to make your photo brighter or emphasize a specific part more, you can raise your highlights. You can also do the opposite; if the highlights are too bright, you can lower them. Depending on the mood of the photo, it may also be a good idea to increase or decrease the contrast. Just these few adjustments can make a really big differences in your photographs and make them more aesthetically pleasing. Once you have the basics down, you can keep trying more advanced editing skills.