Exclusive Q&A with NBC World of Dance's Mini Bots
The Mini Bots are here on the NBCWorld of Dance stage to prove that small is mighty. Despite their age, this group is well on their way to mastering their art. Find out more about the Mini Bots in WOD Magazine's exclusive Q&A and check out their moves in the clip below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTMMyXMiE20
WOD: How did it feel when you found out you’d be on Season 3?
MB: Oh my gosh!! We all found out together as we were having apractice. Our coach AJ says “so I need to talk to you guys” in a serious tone andwe got a little worried, then he said “so I need to tell you.....youguys made it onto World ofDance season 3!” We just ran around the room screaming andhugging each other because we were so happy!
WOD: What style are you performing, and why?
MB: We are performing a hip hop dance style called poppingbecause we are all very trained and experienced in this style for our age.We have met several OGs of this style and have gotten a lot of feedbackthat has helped us along the way. We just want to show the world and thejudges our favorite style of dance and how passionate we are about this style.
WOD: What cause or organization do you care about and would like World of Dance to promote?
MB: One of our members belongs to a nonprofit studio called PraiseTEAM and we would love to see them get theirown studio because we are currently dancing in their gym. It's a really cool organization so check them out.